Dump Your Sin and Let Jesus In

(CYI?) Can you imagine taking a 50-60 thousand dollar car and putting the name of your dumpster rental company on it? I realize that it probably allows them to declare it as advertising and a tax write-off, but c'mon.

I thought it was begging me to unload my stuff, so I emptied both of my car waste baskets into the Corvette.

P.S. 2 things.
1. Sad to hear about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. From the outside looking in, she seemed like a very classy lady.
2. I played my son in cornhole tonight. In the first game, I went ahead 2-0, and that is all the points I scored. In four games. it was 21-2, 21-zip, 21-nada, and 21-zilch. He's pretty good.

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