Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Carolean Age

Still very sad over the death of the Queen. Such perfect timing - she had her Golden Jubilee, had her (beloved) summer holiday in Balmoral, saw out one Prime Minister, welcomed the new one, then gave up. I have been watching the rolling news quite a lot… There cannot be another person in the world who has ever met so many world leaders. What an amazing life!

We went for lunch with Dougal and his mum - Archie preferred to stay at home with his bone instead. Dougal is such a good boy. We had an excellent meal at Tempo Perso, an Italian restaurant that we haven’t been to for ages. It was excellent.

A friend (in NZ) sent me this photo of a permanent wee corner in their house, which I thought was very sweet. (Extra)

I can’t yet get used to King Charles

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