am bioran

By AmBioran

Pentland Hill Challenge day 3

Some heavy rain showers during the day didn't put me off a wee jaunt on the hills for day three of my challenge*. This was the easiest walk so far - only 5 miles and three hills. Back home in time for tea.

When we visited the Polar research ship Discovery yesterday there was a map at the entrance of the exhibition that showed the extent of the 'known' areas of Antarctica before 1901. At the end of the exhibition, the map showed the 'known' extent after the visit of RRS Discovery. I think I should have done the same on my Pentland Hill map for this challenge.

The picture is taken from the top of Capelaw Hill looking south west. The summit is adorned with an iron girder which makes a change from the usual pile of rocks I suppose.

*My challenge to myself is to climb all the hills of the Pentlands on weekday evenings after work this summer.

day two
day one

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