Popio llawen

Popio llawen ~ Merry popping(s)

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game! ”
—PL Travers (‘Mary Poppins’)

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Gwnaethon ni mwy o jam heddiw. Roedd y bagiau wedi gorffen diferu dros nos ac roedd dwy bowlen fawr o sudd gyda ni. Gwnaeth Nor'dzin eu berwi, yna roedden ni tywallt yr hylif poeth i jariau a rhoi'r caeadau arnyn nhw'n dynn. Tra roedd y jam yn oeri cawson ni bleser o'r sŵn y popio llawen o'r caeadau. Bydd mwy o bopio llawen pan rydyn ni'n agor pob jar.

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We made more jam today. The bags had finished dripping overnight and we had two large bowls of juice. Nor'dzin boiled them, then we poured the hot liquid into jars and put the lids on them tightly. While the jam was cooling we enjoyed the sound of the merry popping of the lids. There will be more merry popping as we open each jar.

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