Orkney - Summer in September

A world first - at one stage today there were more Blippers in the Creel HQ kitchen than non-Blippers.  I’ll say one thing about Blippers – they can eat a lot and have never ending demands for comestibles and beverages.  Earlier I had dispatched the Cheeky Monkey Taxi Services to pick up Lady Findhorn at the Pierheid in Stromness.  On arrival at HQ she signed her au pair contract, having faxed her terms and conditions to the British Embassy in Albania.  The first thing she did was to run up a pair of curtains   She then patched my swimming costume at the elbows.  The Current Mrs Creel had already departed to play her accordion in KW15.  Quite right too.  A pair of travelers turned up fae Westray (they had come to pay their account from last year).  Tweedy and her agent received counselling for their addiction to Westray.  It was concluded that other addictions are worse.  Next year’s AGM will be in Stromness.
Later I ventured to see my mother in the Dounby Carehome.  It was such a bonny day that, in no time, I had her strapped into a wheelchair and had a good walk round the village.  What was truly heartening that two care home staff, who were just clocking off, caught up with us and spent a good while chatting to my Mum in a very engaged manner.  Only ten minutes later the same happened with another carer who just happened to be going into the Co-op.  I don’t think it’s naïve to say that my Mum is receiving very good quality care.  This was so reassuring.
Today’s Blip is taken from the front door of Creel HQ.

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