
Transplanted the verbascums – they had it coming to them.  Lifted more tatties / beetroot / carrots etc.  A really good crop of etceteras this year.  Dougal’s wife, and my s-i-l, are coming for a meal this evening.  Chatted to Davie.  Last week he never returned a WhatsApp message.  I then phoned his wife and the call wasn’t picked up.  When we drove past his house his specially converted vehicle wasn’t there.  Today he indicated they had a new phone system in the house / he had bought a new phone and his car had been away for repair.  I’m going along to see him in the week.  Although this may sound concocted, he indicated he has a new tune he wants me to hear on his crumhorn. 
Scottish Country Dancing returns to Kirkwall Town Hall tomorrow morning; folk aren’t queuing already. 
The gooseberry cake awaits.

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