More History

Up town to that lovely Apple Store as there was an absolutely essential item in there for my collection. Well, the old Macbook was over seven years old! And it was Intel based and my 31,000 fabulous photos were causing it to regularly bump its head. So, hello to my new M2 Macbook Air. That’s the pension spent. And some.
And wandering back through John Lewis, there was an event going on. A new King getting sworn in with the great and good all gathered in there to witness it. Another historic blip, then. 
And later,  a meal out to Petite Folie with the SK’s sis and her man. And how very generous they were. And they were so determined that I enjoy myself that they almost literally poured wine down my neck. It was great to see them both and they were in great spirits - P has had a year of one health condition following another, but he seems to be back in good fettle and our spirits were all much buoyed. Cheers! 

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