Learnt 1 : Known 1 : To Learn 1

HOW COME I have no idea, but it appears my weed "Blackite" is of a thornless variety.

Flutterbies are notoriously unco-operative; like we didn't already know?

I'm currently spotting Froglings 2-3-4 at a time in the moist.  I emptied out 14mm ≈ 0.45" from the rain gauge; ready for the rain which has just started @ ≈ 16:30.

To learn.
How the @£$%^ to straighten a curved line after manufacturing a "Panorama".  Bottom of wall after a Panorama of my Pruning.

I went out for the daily wander and click and spotted a rather HUGE Red Admiral, at least it looked "huger" than I remember.  A side-job while out was to remove a goodly bit of the "Blackite" growth, before it takes over the rest of the Garden.  
It was during the clipping I noticed not one single Thorn on any removed, see extra.

SO!  Next decision - do I remove the Bramble, or root a Stolon and tame it?

I tasted one Blackite - rather tart for my palate, but eminently eatable.

Uncharacteristically - I think I have tomorrows Blip in my sights.

BTW - can you see where I replaced the grotty bunch with a plump one?

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