
Late afternoon in an incredible day, LongLegs phoned to let us know that he had asked IrishLass to marry him and she’d said yes. How totally and utterly delighted we all are.

Earlier, Elbows, Dot.T and I headed off to check out a couple of possible wedding reception venues for Dot.T & WelshLad, having discounted multiple options for one reason or another, and keeping the WelshLad closely digitally with us.

We saw 2 very very different places. The 1st place inspired the pair of them and excitement mounted. The 2nd place surprisingly then topped the 1st.

By the time we got back, especially as Elbows was trying to haggle a deal on a British bulldog we saw in a garden centre, time was short.

Then LongLegs phoned and a multitude of messages of every variety began.

Then early evening, I headed off to Luxborough Lake with the A-Z Open Water Swimming Gang for a night swim. Gosh. It was gorgeous.

Photos to follow.

Happy happy news. Happy happy progress. Happy swimming.

And it doesn’t really go unnoticed, that there’s a theme with the names of our son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws … With SkyeMan (as in Skye in Scotland) and WelshLad and IrishLass, there’s something afoot. PuddleDuck - her blip name could also be EnglishLass or ScotLass …

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