A Cute Appendage

Toto thinks he should be one of my permanent appendages. 
Whenever I leave the building he just presumes he is coming too!  When I say No, you’re not coming he just wilts! 
The tail goes down, the mouth drops in shock, OMG she’s going without me!!

Today was not one of those days, we were out together early and having a fine walk in the morning sun!  I stopped to take a photo of something and suddenly he spotted a couple of schoolboys coming towards us, teenagers laughing and talking loud!  One had a big black sports bag with a long handle and Toto clearly thought it was a dog! He started to bark and I was telling him to stop that barking in no uncertain terms as I tried to walk the other way!!  It took a while for him to stop but eventually he gave up on it and looked back at me and I caught his goofy look ; ). All was forgiven and we carried on regardless of schoolboys acting like they had a dog!! LoL :o)

Thanks to Laurie for hosting ; )

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