We should be in Edinburgh?!

Today the Queen was taken from 'Holyrood Palace' to lie in 'St Giles Cathedral' until tomorrow. If the Queen hadn't died at Balmoral; today would never have happened. But she did and it has. Today has probably been one of the most important days in Scottish/British history and it would have been nice to have been there to experience it in real life. Having said that; my human 'doesn't do crowds or waiting' so she probably wouldn't have gone anywhere near the High Street today.

However she did get a WhatsApp message from her M&G people to ask if she were available to do a M&G this afternoon at 3pm just off the High Street? Yes, she'd already told them she was going to Cornwall for a month but we very much doubt if people in Malaysia actually know where Cornwall is, in relation to Edinburgh. Seriously?........................That's what happens when you get 12 year olds youngsters thinking that they can run a short term holiday letting business from the other side of the world? ….......As if anybody was going to be allowed to rock up in a taxi and check into a holiday let at 3pm, just as the Queen's coffin was being carried into St Giles Cathedral? But my human must not rant?!!!

Anyway, we've both spent a lot of time on the sofa today watching the King's arrival in Edinburgh & the Queen's final journey from Holyrood Palace to St Giles Cathedral on TV because we're both tired.

First thing this morning I went along the beach for my walk (in this Blip) and then this afternoon I trekked around town because Ann wanted to see how busy it was. It was very busy! I kept bumping into peoples legs so it wasn't really very pleasant for me. The 'St Ives September Festival' is on for the next couple of weeks so there's still lots of visitors about. Ann has promised that she won't take me back into town until they all go away. She's also promised me that my morning walk each day will be mostly down on the beach. Yay!!!

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