
These 3 pieces (the other 2 are in the extras) are made from the split ends of some cherry.
Being a tight fisted so & so, I hate the idea of just chucking the cuttings out. I also like the challenge of trying to make something with 'character'. Which is why there are bits of bark left on them.

I must say - this country certainly knows how to do pomp and ceremony... but Police Scotland needs to get its act together - for a uniformed service there is absolutely no uniformity in dress.

It is a real shame that some people take a time like this to shout and bawl to make their political views known .... this is not the time! How would they feel if people turned up at the mother's funeral and started shouting and bawling?

We had plans to head in to Edinburgh in the middle of the night to show our respects but having seen the huge queue building up and the fact that the train and tram services are putting on loads of extra services throughout the night to enable people to get to Edinburgh and I have to look after the kids at the crack of dawn before doing my meal deliveries I am regrettably going to have to forgo it.

I got an unexpected text message this afternoon .... my new glasses were ready.
Whoopee .......... I can see again.

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