
The kids got off to school safely.

The meals were delivered safely - despite somebody thinking otherwise.

The pond had some greenery removed - not so safely...I was talking to the frog that popped up inches from my face and was just giving me 'The Look' (I think I was disturbing him by ripping stuff out by the roots). That was when my hand slipped and I opened up a finger on the edge of a piece of slate.

Time to stop and leave the frog in peace.

Watched more of the pomp and ceremony until Squirrel arrived after school then continued at her house as the RAF took over at Turnhouse Where the Chief Constable showed himself up terribly as a Tatty Herbert in an ill fitting Hi-Viz jacket (WHY???) in amongst the smarted top brass of the armed forces and civil dignitaries. Obviously 'leading from the top' when you see the non uniformed uniformed rank and file (in direct contrast with the Met when they took over after plane (call sign Kittyhawk) landed.

When the coffin was on the plane and took off we went out and watched it as it climbed higher and disappeared into the blue. It was such a shame it was raining when it landed in London.

Home, out of the car, heard the dickhead on the motor bike on the playing field, went down and pointed the camera at him, took a couple of rubbish shots (he was very good to pull up the hood and show the distinctive logo on the back as he did the other four hangers-on (complete with can of petrol they had brought).
It had the desired effect and they all beetled off

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