Old Head of Kinsale

As the Holiday Designated Driver, I have set a firm routine for all non- transfer days where all driving is complete before lunchtime. On our first non- transfer day I packed everyone into the car in the misty drizzle and drove them to a beach so I could have a swim. And what a lovely swim it was, sandy beach, sheltered beach, flat, calm and cold sea with no current. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The others proclaimed to enjoy their walks up and down the beach. Then back in the car to continue to the old head of kinsale to have hot chocolate and brack elevenses (well that’s what I had anyway), look at the tower that included the Lusitania museum and see the lighthouse in the distance.

Back to Kinsale, driving complete, it was time to wander round some pleasing gift shops and have a pub lunch. Clare then bought us all books in an attempt to make us sit quietly and not make her play a game or do a jigsaw. It was a successful plan, some lovely reading, snacks, wine and telly. Smashing day. A few extras including me with post swimming hair and the view from our balcony.

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