Cheerless marshes

I rather enjoy speaking at the schools' awards ceremony. There is, of course, the task of actually getting a speech written, but that's really only a burden inasmuch as it's an item on the to do list: the actual writing, when I get around to it, is quite enjoyable.

The other thing is the nervous energy beforehand, which I dispelled to some extent by taking a brisk mid-afternoon walk, where I saw this device elevated device up in the trees. You might just be able to make out the guy who's up there, in what looks like a some kind of mobile phone antenna.

Anyway, the speech went well, and the post-event beers and pizzas were most enjoyable.

[Cryptic note to my future self/selves looking back on this post: this was the occasion of Abi's excellent cross-church mime, conveying the news.]

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