The Noo Noo Tree!

Made a picnic mid-morning as me and Saint Jamie had decided to take the children to the (animal) Tier Park at Bielefeld.

It was a cracking day with lots of photos of all different kinds of animals and fun but the bit that stole it for me was the 'Noo Noo Tree' or whatever you might call a dummy tree!

It wasn't 'in your face' but round a bit of a corner with a sign that said....


It's a tricky translation by all accounts but it's basically the tree of lost dummies!

Some of the dummies were quite obviously lost as they had been mud trodden, others were very clean with messages from the parents and scribbles from the child, presumably in a bold bid to kick the habbit once and for all!!

I've got a feeling that in the next few months we may be visiting the 'Noo Noo Tree' as a homage ourselves, which is probably why I felt it was 'blip of the day' even though it's not that sharp a photo!!

What a fantastic idea though... imagine every Mothercare with one of these.... I can feel a patent coming on!!!

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