
....on the north side of town, apart from a helicopter buzzing around. Had an appointment for a check-up with the dentist in Montgomery St, which was fine (he was very complimentary about the health of my gums!). Retired back to Leith for the rest of the day, while thousands of people queued to see Q. Elizabeth's coffin/Scottish crown in St Giles, and traffic was pretty much gridlocked for the afternoon due to the cortege going out to the airport.

Had a session in the studio followed by a pint in the pub - it was to be a pint in the Brass Monkey with Malc, but he decided he was too tired and D discovered the pub is shut Mon/Tues anyway! But we had the thought of beer in our heads so went across to the Carriers. Jarl! Yum!

In other news, D heard that the water supply in the cottage on Inchcolm has finally been passed (by the management, as it were). No further detail at present.....

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