"He's the Rock Star"

It was another day when I didn't have any ideas for a blip -- I've had a lot of those lately. Cynthia and I were walking to our Yoga class in Fairhaven, when she suggested that I blip the reflections in a large window. I told her I didn't think it was very inspiring, but I took the photo, just in case. Then C said "What about this lady pushing a stroller with a dog in it?"

I looked to the side, and there she was walking briskly towards us. I quickly said hello, and asked for permission to take a photo of her dog. She was looking down at her dog with the hat covering her face. I asked her to look at the camera, took one shot, and she was gone.

Sometimes we have to seek out blips, and sometimes blips find us.

The title is a quotation by the dog's owner.

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