Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


We seem to have more jasmine on our back wall this year than we've ever had and the scent is delicious!   We need to cut back the greenery on our back wall, but as the jasmine is all entwined with the ivy, we don't want to lose too much jasmine in the great bit autumn haircut! 

Today, more test writing course work, email catch up, a little Aptis marking and housework in the afternoon.  

Our usual evening walk, but very short as we were both tired and hungry, and then the leftovers of last night lentils with some boiled egg added.  Still warm enough to eat on the patio.  Oh, and the first episode of British Bake Off!

Good news on the family front - My niece Sarah and family (Busboy's daughter) are on the move to a bigger house in Kirkcaldy and their offer was accepted today!  Woohoo!  Their flat is already sold, so all go now. 

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