A Tribute?

We popped into Bourton this morning (haircut for me, eyebrows for mrsfb). I was going to use the extra - half mast - for my blip until I saw this picnic basket and mat. I spotted it from the opposite river bank first and thought it might have been German tourists staking a claim to the best picnic spot but after crossing over I realised it had been set up carefully with flowers so maybe it was a tribute to the Queen? If it is I'm not sure of the significance.

The village was quite busy, mainly old fogey couples like us, plus some Korean tourists. No one was approaching the picnic mat, or seemed to have any interest in it.

We bought some fish and chips to bring home for lunch and they were pretty poor. Under cooked chips and small £7.10 pieces of cod. I don't think we will going back there any time soon.

One year ago:
Find Your Happy Place
I quite enjoyed reading that again.It's not just me that misplaces their phone mrsfb :-)

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