One in a million

Our Queen was unique. And I am grateful to God for her.

And I was there with the crowds as the procession made its way from Buckingham Palace to Westminster.

We got up early, met LongLegs and chose a spot to own. We were one row back from about 8am onwards and the mood was light and chatty. There was lots of street cleaning and security briefings and as midday approached, the crowds thickened and swelled.

Time passed ok really. The 3 of us read a bit, chatted to all around us and Elbows did a few hours of work calls.

When the procession approached, the quietness and stillness was simply amazing.

I don’t really know how to describe what it felt like to be there and watch, but I can say I’m surprised by how sad I felt.

(I’ll post some extras later - I need to, for my sake, let alone for others)

After the procession had passed, reaching Westminster, and the roads, pavements & tube stations opened up again, we knew it wasn’t a good idea to try and head home too soon so Elbows showed me around the Foreign Office. It was not what I was expecting. And I also met an amazing Diplomat with 30 years of Foreign Office experience. I could listen to her for hours.

What a day. What an extraordinary day. We’re back tomorrow too.

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