Belgium waffle

By Strang

R.I.P Patch

As you may be able to tell from the title of today's blip, Patch didn't make it. She died yesterday afternoon about three hours after returning from the vet.
Emily was most distraught as it was her guinea pig and we had a quiet family gathering in the back garden to say our farewells before burying her in an old shoe box. We had to cover the burial site with a paving slab to hopefully deter the dog from digging her up again.

On a slightly lighter note I have just returned home after being threatened with arrest for trespass from a very grumpy polish woman and her 2 burly sons who seem to have parked their caravan on the derelict site of the old fruit packing site (see blips of 9, 22 & 24 April) and appear to be guarding it. I was slightly looking forward to shooting my blip from the inside of a police car but I am not sure if I would have been handcuffed anyway and therefore unable to blip.

Let's hope the rest of the week is a little quieter.

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