
By Anniemay


I went out in the garden after breakfast. It was beautiful. the sun was shining and I could feel the warmth on my neck even at that time of the day.

Everything was BUSY. It was a hive of activity. Birds, bees, insects. I couldn't decide what to shoot for today's challenge topic 'busy'. I spotted a spider web just outside the back door. Maybe if I could get the spider to pop his head out from his hidey-hole and look busy I could grab a shot. I waited for a while but obviously he's not going to come out for nothing. I thought that maybe if I sprayed the nest with water from a mister he would come and have a look. Macro lens on ready to shoot. It worked, out he pops....... but I missed him!! I waited again and sprayed again but he's not going to be fooled twice. I would have to give him something more promising. Perhaps I could throw something fly-sized into the web, then he would have to investigate. A toast crumb from my breakfast plate looked like it might do the job. I threw it in and to my surprise it stuck, right in the middle. I waited again, and waited..... but nothing. I could sense that he was sitting in there feeling a bit fed up that someone was trying to mess with his head.

I gave up on the spider and changed to my medium telephoto zoom to try to catch some of the birds hurrying around the garden. I waited and I waited. No birds. I wandered around and took some nice shots of the apple blossom just coming out but was unsure how to make those into a shot of busyness. Eventually I went inside and hid in the doorway and after more waiting (at least 5 full minutes of hopping from one foot to the other) I was rewarded by a shot of a robin on the feeder and then a bluetit. I also took some shots of them up in the tree. Thinking that maybe I had got something I could use for today's challenge I turned to go back indoors. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. It was the spider coming out to take the crumb I had thrown in earlier.......Damn wrong lens!!!!

I have seen many wonderful wildlife shots on blipfoto but the conclusion I draw from today's experience is that I will never make a wildlife photographer. I don't have the patience and capacity for being still. Today's efforts have resulted in one disillusioned wildlife photographer and a spider wondering how to suck the blood out of a toast crumb. Here's my modest effort. A busy bluetit

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