
By Farmerboab

Heading home....

Another busy one today. Kev on carting straw bales this morning .
I had to go to Haddington to hand stuff in to the accountant,then back home to shift the combine and header up the track to the last field of barley .
Left wee brother to cut it and nipped down the road to feed the heifers .
The contractor was busy spreading100 tons of lime on the 2 ploughed fields before they get sown with winter barley.
If the soil PH is too acidic the crops don't grow as well as they should so calcium or magnesium lime is used to make things less acidic.
Back home and baled up the 20 acres of barley straw that was cut a fortnight ago. It has been rained on for a week,4 inches worth, and I turned it on Wednesday to try and help it dry out . There were still some wet lumps in it,but it is so badly weathered that it will only be fit for bedding now any way.
Once that was done,went up to bring in a load of barley ,then once wee brother was finished,hitched up the header behind the combine and brought it home.
So that's us finished the combining. Just 30 acres of straw and 20 acres of grass to bale and 3 sheds full of grain to dry and fill into bins. Might get it finished by Christmas !

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