The box of primary interest!!!

What a morning, the first delivery arrived at 8.30, shortly after B had left, and then they continued until 11am. The one I was expecting arrived last, the rest were for B and delivery was due "whenever"!!

Why was this a problem? Well I didn't dare get in the shower in case the doorbell rang yet again, so I shoved on my gardening clothes and got on with the work!!

P & of the boxes contains your plants for the grass area in your garden. I have put them in a tray in the shaded area of the garden to get a bit of day light and when they have recovered from their travels I will pot them on, as there are roots growing out of the bottom of the pots.

The box of interest to me will be explained in more detail tomorrow. In the meantime I may not have any internet access. This will be a bit worse than the crappy intermittent access that I'm getting at present. A minor strop humour failure on Monday evening has prompted this action by B (It helps to keep "she who must may be obeyed" from chucking the iPad & laptop in the bin)!!!!

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