A sewing room!!!

In to London today to meet up with friends for lunch and a backstage tour of the Royal Opera House!! Fantastic!! We had lunch at Henry's Bar in Covent Garden, then the tour. We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the theatre or backstage, so this is a rather rubbish picture take from a rooftop terrace area in to one of the sewing rooms.

The 90 minute tour is fascinating!! So much so that I cannot wait to go back to see more / the bits that I missed! Not expensive £11 for concessions. Most of the group of about 20 were ladies of a certain age, but there were a couple of men. You have to book well in advance on line, as the dates go quickly.

There was so much to see and this may give you a taste of what is on offer.

I was about wiped out by the time I got home, but revived when I saw that all 6 eggs had hatched, the last two were still in their shells this morning. They are difficult to see when they are in a heap, but when Mum indicates she is coming back in to the box, it’s a case of "heads up and mouths open". But they are very weak and they quickly flop down again.

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