
I've had to hide the catmint. The pot was knocked over again - and the poor young plant squashed. (I'm not being cruel, Cyd, honest !)

I had a wonderful couple of hours in Pipe Hall Woods today. Glorious sunshine had brought out the butterflies. They were very flighty and hard to capture. No chance with the Brimstone or the flash of white/blue that wasn't identifiable.

A blurred shot of an orange tip
Peacock butterfly

The Peacock butterflies were the most in evidence. They divebombed me regularly. There were at least three of them. I think one of them followed me right round the wood. I kept turning round and one was there. If it wasn't a faithful little follower, then there were dozens !

I went right to the bottom of Jubilee Wood, where the bluebells are doing nicely. There wasn't a full carpet, but the native English variety are looking lovely and that is why I chose this photo.

Oh yes, they are very late. Yoxall Bluebell Woods have extended their season until May 19th (according to their website) and have said that anyone walking there before they are out can have the ticket stamped and return for free.

Chubby squirrel
Blackbird karaoke
Textures of the forest

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