secret garden

By freespiral

Gone Bush

The last good day weather wise and Joe working in his van, we went on a tiki tour, first stop the Grove. A bit bittersweet to be back here for this is where we spent a lot of time in 2020 when things were especially difficult. It's an incredible spot though. It feels prehistoric with gignormous trees and tangled vines competing with colossal rocks in weird formations. You half expect dinosaurs to come rampaging through the undergrowth- except there weren't any in NZ.
Then we went to Tata beach, blissful golden sands and crystal clear water. Another swim was taken, this time suitably clad! It was flipping freezing and I got a round of applause from an amazed spectator.
Lunch was now required and we popped into a cafe in Pohara which was doing a roaring trade. Nothing remotely healthy on the menu, I went for curly fries and aoili dip from the snack/starter section. The most enormous plateful arrived! Actually delicious but I was floored and still can't move.
Esme is back in town. She arrived exhausted, had some supper and was instantly revived with a full on trampoline session followed by sandpit fun- find the treasure and the rules are complicated.
I do have room for a small glass of Pinot.

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