The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Return Of The Supper Club

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

We had a girls* supper club night out tonight in Leftfield.

The restaurant was lovely but Charlie and I ordered a lobster, or rather, diet lobster as it was tiny! I think our mutant lobster must have been the runt of his litter.

But the food is never the main event on a supper club night, the chat is. We went to The Golf for drinks after dinner and had an impromptu singalong as there was a band in the pub. There were also 2 young ladies doing A LOT of sexy dancing (for hours) in front of the bar but they ended up getting a bollocking for climbing up on a table!

All of a sudden it was 1 am. Our biggest complaint is that out nights fly past too quickly, which is a very lovely complaint to have.


*ok I know - with a combined age of 201 between the four of us, ‘girls’ is a bit stretch!

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