The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Double Birthday

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Lovely Shuvly and I went to One Spa today and had the best treatment I have ever had. It was a full body and head massage and my head emptied and went completely quiet. Like that moment before you fall asleep when you’re watching and feeling colours and lights. LS felt exactly the same and we were both looking quite spacey and stoned for about an hour after!

We were joined tonight by Clara for her 18th birthday*. We went for dinner in The Three Birds which she loved and then to a pub where The Prince was very excited to buy her first (legal) drink!

We had pre warned Clara that clubbing wasn’t part of the itinerary but we had a few drinks and it was a great night. Clara is good fun and we sensibly sent her parents lots of birthday pictures before she discovered strawberry daiquiris!


*Her parents are good friends who live on the Falkland Islands so she was staying with us for her birthday.

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