The Solway and Criffel

A strange day. I was feeling a bit below par in the morning but, ahead of my MOT, I went to get my tyres seen to in Carlisle but was told they were fine for now. I’ve been getting increasingly twitchy (for twitchy, read desperate) to see the sea after so much time feeling a bit landlocked so I headed up to the The Solway but as soon as I did the heavens opened. I was about to abandon the idea when I passed a sign to Blencogo and I remembered that there was a couple of holy wells (St.Cuthbert’s and St.Mungo’s) out this way so I went to see both which have been recorded here before by Paula ...

It dried up a bit so I carried on and felt a huge relief as I walked out across the dunes and onto the beach and to the sound of the sea.
I realise, for reasons I mostly understand that, in some ways, I don’t want this strange limbo time to end.

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