
Like many others in the UK today we have had the TV on to watch the Queen’s funeral, part one in London and part two at Windsor. All done very well I thought.

The last two months or so have been unsettling. Crisis after crisis. The absence of any sort of effective government. An election within the governing party of a new prime minister, who if reports are accurate intends to embark on an ideological agenda which does not fit the times we live in. That succeeded almost immediately by the death of a much loved monarch who has been a symbol of continuity over 70 years. And that necessitating an immediate stop to any political discourse. When “normality” resumes from tomorrow onwards I think we may be in for a very bumpy ride.

On a more positive note, in between London and Windsor I got the lawnmower out and cut the grass. And I heard one of the uplifting sounds of autumn. Looking up I saw a big “tick” marked in the sky (extra). A skein of forty five pink footed geese arriving from Iceland for their long winter sojourn on this island.

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