A sparkly morning
but not feeling very sparkly. My phone rang during the night, the phone downstairs, me upstairs, I leapt out of bed, raced downstairs, answered the phone, it was hubby.
"Yes, you?"
"Erm, Braz, do you know what time it is?"
"No, what time is it?"
"It's twenty to four in the morning"
Life does'nt change much in A&E, so lights remain on, staff working flat out, moving patients etc, 24/7, hubby thought it was morning.
I walked Indie, a beautiful, but fresh morning, back to Mum for a quick coffee before heading to the hospital. I checked at main reception for hubbies whereabouts, left the main entrance, heard someone call my name, turned and there was hubbies oldest daughter. She & her partner had been camping in Brixham, spoken to hubby, so came to visit on their way home to W-S-M.
So, so busy in A&E where hubby had been moved along to a ward, still being assessed. On a nebulizer, & intravenus antibiotics. Gosh! The staff deserve every penny they earn, & more. Obviously over-stretched.
I had an early night.
Thank you all for your concern & comments. X
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