Dim bws, dim ffws
Dim bws, dim ffws ~ No bus, no fuss
“If the photographer isn't going to pay attention to the picture he is making, that if he thinks the camera is just a machine and not an avenue of expression, then he has no business asking anyone for anything, let alone their time and interest. Don't show the world, he said, invent the world.”
—Whitney Otto
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Roedd bob amser yn mynd i fod yn ddiwrnod rhyfedd.
Mae newyddion y dydd, wrth gwrs oedd angladd y Frenhines. Rydyn ni'n byw trwy dipyn bach o hanes - diwedd cyfnod. Rydw i'n edmygu'r Frenhines Elizabeth oherwydd cymerodd adduned i'r wlad a chadw ei holl deyrnasiad. Roedd hi'n enghraifft ardderchog o gadw gair. Byddai rhywun yn gobeithio y byddai brenhinoedd a gwleidyddion eraill yn dilyn yr enghraifft hon.
Gwnaethon ni gwylio’r seremonïau ar y teledu nes roedd e'n amser mynd mewn tacsi i dal y bws. Roedd tipyn bach o ddryswch am amser y bws - 16:45 neu 17:20 - ond cawson ni ein sicrhau y byddai bws. 16:45 a ddaeth ac a aeth. 17:20 a ddaeth ac a aeth. Ni ddaeth (neu aeth) bws. Arosasom ni. Roedd pobol eraill ar y safle bws wedi gwirio. Roedd y bws ‘ar ei ffordd’, ‘yn sownd mewn traffig’. Arosasom ni.
Dim bws.
Dim ffws. Gwnaethon ni roi'r ffidil yn y to a mynd adre.
Roedd bob amser yn mynd i fod yn ddiwrnod rhyfedd.
Eto rydyn ni’n mynd i Drala Jong am dri (nid pedwar) diwrnod. Byddwn ni’n ôl ddydd Gwener. (Os oes bws).
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It was always going to be a weird day.
The news of the day, of course was the Queen's funeral. We are living through a little bit of history - the end of an era. I admire Queen Elizabeth because she took a vow to the country and kept it throughout her reign. She was an excellent example of keeping her word. One would hope that other monarchs and politicians would follow this example.
We watched the ceremonies on TV until it was time to get a taxi to catch the bus. There was a bit of confusion about the time of the bus - 16:45 or 17:20 - but we were assured that there would be a bus. 16:45 came and went. 17:20 came and went. No bus came (or went). We waited. Other people at the bus stop had checked. The bus was 'on its way', 'stuck in traffic'. We waited.
No bus.
No fuss. We gave up and went home.
It was always going to be a strange day.
Again we are going to Drala Jong for three (not four) days. We'll be back on Friday. (If there is a bus).
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