A hole in the Clouds...

Through which all the moisture contained in the dark bit on the right must have escaped. No more rain has materialized since the half inch or so that we got on Sunday but the clouds have been beautiful. 

We are among the tiny number that treasure our morning newspaper, made of paper, not pixels, and our local one is quite good, although it gets smaller every month....We were quite shocked by the bill which came the other day. We settled down after we realized that it only comes once a year....This morning the paper helpfully reminded us that the half inch of rain would do nothing to lessen the risk of fire because there is 'still plenty of time for everything to dry out', but since my mantra is one day at a time, we have had three days of not much more that the slight residual worry about fire that never goes away.....

We walked down to the creek this morning to see if the rain had had any effect. It doesn't seem much bigger, but we encountered a couple climbing out of a Department of Fish and Game truck and suiting up to wade in to count fish. There is also quite a contingent of Water Department workers clearing and widening the channel  where the creek is diverted into Spring Lake called 'the vortex'. Obviously, neither of these departments is in charge of clearing the creek of fire debris. Nobody has expressed much interest in doing that. 

So that's the news on water, paper and fire....I'm sure a subsequent entry is bound to involve rocks, another intrinsic part of our landscape.

I went over to a friend's house today to participate in a zoom class on polls and the upcoming midterm elections, part of a continuing education program at Sonoma State University called the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. I think I have a distinct distrust of statistics which seem either to state the obvious, or can be manipulated in ways the professor was explaining but eluded me. I came home with a headache and a case of kitchen envy for Fran's beautiful newly remodeled kitchen....

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