A Picture is Worth...

...a thousand words. Imagine trying to describe this quilt in words. It might be a good writing exercise but not very interesting. 

I was hoping I was finished with this phase of the quilt for our bed but, much as I hate to think about it, I think I need to add another row. I may just put it away for a bit though, as I think I need a little break.

John and I were both feeling off color for different reasons yesterday, but we went to bed early, slept reasonably well and both woke up feeling much better, so I decided to go to Pilates and see what would happen. I cautiously did everything and felt no ill effects but had an interesting conversation with the teacher afterwards. She said somebody she knew  had the same procedure in the same place and they gave her pages of warnings including not to walk!  I learned that lesson the hard way. They call this 'healing by secondary intention'  which basically means that it has to heal from the inside out. This is a long drawn out process and I don't have the patience or even the desire to sit for six weeks, so I'm cautiously proceeding. 

I went to the spiffy new Lululemon store in our local shopping center which is being dragged out of the 60's with lots of ongoing renovations.
There were two guys standing on the corner next to huge signs saying that the new management, a company from Boston, and the developers were unfair to labor. This is the same management company that caused a huge fracas tempest in a teapot by requesting that a figure of Charlie Brown be removed from in front of a store because of a single complaint so I somehow I'm not surprised that they don't have much interest in what the local community wants. A lot of the shops are empty or being renovated, and we're hoping they don't bring in a bunch of chain stores, but I'm reserving judgement.

I was just happy to get out, and bought myself a few things. I may well go back to get some new leggings, but I didn't have much desire to try them on today. Lululemon leggings last forever, so I can keep wearing the ones I already have and confined myself to getting some shirts to go with them. I feel quite pleased with myself and not too guilty about shopping there as it could be the only place in town to have things I want to buy. We'll see....

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