
By 58jc


Tuesday started with an an appointment to get my nails done following by schools volunteering session.  Both girls in attendance today, and both very chatty but rather confused and mixed up.

Home via Lidl and a visit to MIL after unpacking shopping.  Her mobile phone is broken so lots of chat about new phone which is another thing on OH’s list to sort out.  It is a cr*p cheap phone (she never embraced technology and won’t entertain iPhone, iPad or any technology) so will entail a trip to the shops tomorrow to sort it out.

Home to make compote while OH cut the grass.  We have apple trees in the garden and in the lane, so have an abundance.  There is a limit to how many we can eat so I cook them and make compote which I freeze.  Delicious with yoghurt or porridge or.to with a crumble topping.  However I still have some of last years left in the freezer so won’t make as much this time.  

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