Thank you

Today was a strange one - a bank holiday in the true sense of the word with very little open.  We watched the funeral and the procession with all the pomp and ceremony expected was amazing.  Whatever your views, it was GB doing what GB does best.  Photo was taken on Saturday when we were in London.

We watched until around 2.30 but I was getting restless so decided to go and do some gardening.  OH cut the front hedge as the road was quiet and I did some pruning and tidying up and helped him clear up.  We both agreed that we can't do as much gardening as we used and have to pace ourselves, a few hours at a time.

In for dinner and a lazy evening but the film we found to watch was rubbish, abandoned after ten minutes.  Selected another film which was equally bad.  We need another series to watch, something gripping and watchable.  Lots of rubbish on TV at the moment.

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