On it early.

Well a rubbish sleep. Even on the recliner.  I was too sore. So I managed to get the cooker top cleaned ( with shaving foam gel)  and the dishwasher emptied and a load of wash on before the boys woke. 

Did some homework with the boys after they had had their breakfast.  
Harp was a nightmare to wake as she's not fallen asleep until very late at night.  Last night was 10pm. No idea why she is back to that. 

When they had left for school and nursery I got the kitchen windows cleaned inside and out . And then went on another bike ride with the jedi. I have to jog alongside him. He came off his bike a few times to play with stones and feel a few trees and flower's.   

Harp had a good day at nursery and was so excited to come home with a reading book. She gets to choose a book every week for us to read and ask her some questions about it. 

The boys had a good day at school.  Nana told me when her and grandad dropped the boys off that she had a turn last night and was ready to call a ambulance.  She had pain in her heart again.  I told her she should have called them. She's Irish a d stubborn  ( apologies to my Irish blip friends). I've said to her that I think we should try and get other childcare for when I go to the hospital.  She quite firmly told me no. I've said to Mr R that even if we throw the wildlings in the car that day even though its a early start. 5.30 am! He is going to speak to her. She doesn't like anybody to worry and won't stop amd rest because she's scared of she stops then that's when something will happen.  

The wildlings are all on tech while I upload to blip and go and make their dinner. The boys have homework to do after.  

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