
Greatly enjoying the fact that everything is getting greener. I can start to imagine what this place will look like in a few weeks! Hopefully we'll get enough summer to swim in the river at least few times.

Had a bit of a morning. Arrived back from clubbing at 4 am, and let ourselves as quietly as we could into Sam's house as to not wake anyone up. Went to switch on the light, and the fire alarm went off. Very, very loud. Turns out that there's a fire alarm right next to the front door, and that it looks exactly like a light switch. Good planning...

Woke up at 9, still a bit drunk, and went to lie out in the sun on the patio. Sam brought me a tea, and after an hour or so of liquid based recuperation Tom and I decided to head to find some brunch before Tom's trip back to Edinburgh.

Headed to an lovely place called Trof, where we feasted, and I managed to keep it down, fighting the waves of nausea that still clung. Still, good food and amazing in the sun.

Back in Manchester, had an hour to kill before my train to Llandudno, so sat in the sun and read the awful Manchester Evening News. Slept all the way, and caught the bus back home to avoid another hour and a half wait for the train.

Lovely sun, and cycled into town to post the key back to Sam. Sunbathed with my book (Homage to Catalonia) and then lit a small bonfire to keep warm until the stars started to come out.

Good recovery day.

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