
By brambleblossom

Flowers from friends .

I like a bit of alliteration!
These beautiful flowers were given to me by some friends that I met up with yesterday evening . We first met over our broken wrists and have stayed friends ever since , gradually sharing our stories and tales of our children’s comings and goings .
We had delicious food , an entire vegan menu to peruse and definitely a place to take our Swedish family when next they visit.
This morning included a cuddle with Freya and then some successful shopping , a pair of black , vegan boots from M and S !
We now have quotes in for the shattered window , cheaper not to use the insurance policy ( might need a change ) but a wait of several weeks .
The tyre repair was a fiasco with a silver lining . Yesterday they said that they couldn’t source a replacement but could possibly repair the tyre .
Sadly , the tyre was destroyed by their machine !
Silver lining =, not only did they find a replacement tyre it will be supplied and fitted at no cost to us . We felt sorry for the assistant who wrecked the tyre but relieved that we should be good to go by the weekend.
We have just finished a family zoom meeting to discuss our dads funeral and things seem to be coming together well .
Now for a brew , some supper. a shower and bed .

The delight of the day was the news that the geologist who founded Cuadrilla and was pursuing fracking in the Uk has stated “ Fracking in the UK will be impossible at any meaningful scale , the geology is too challenging.”

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