Place: St Pete Beach, FL 73/90
Main activity: Tues - moving, errands, pool
Notes: Woke before 2a and stomach was rebelling - must've been the fresh mozzarella on the croissant (glad I only ate half of it!). Was still up at 3a and back to bathroom. Saw 4a come, finally dozed and then alarm 630a. Up and washing sheets, towels to replace them and packing all the rest out. About 815a, took all and headed to the next place across the road (another short-term solution). Unpacked some and got the new water distiller machine together and running the first batch thru (gets tossed). Picked up Bette 930a, she was dealing with lots as usual. We made it to nail place right at 10a. I dropped her watch for new battery, picked up 2 lobster tails (cream pastry thing) at Casa del Pane and then back to unpack a bit more, made my coffee, called Ryan for bday. Didn't have much time tho - back to pick up watch and Bette, filled car w/ gas and then she took her car back home. I did lots more unpacking and cleaning, got another distilling batch going and then hit the pool - Joe called just as I got there. Quite hot so didn't stay long and sooo tired! Eve was relaxing, quick heavy shower went thru. Preparing for tomorrow's flight.

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