
In the laundry bin. 

He just loves to fall asleep in any way that is unconventional, tonight is no different. But at least he is fast asleep. 

They both had a lovely time at Beavers and it's so nice to see how much they enjoy it.  We had a picnic at the country park with friends straight from school before all who were Beavers headed off for their evening of camp fires and smoors (biscuits and marshmallows).

In other news, I signed on the line for a new job today and was delighted to see in the contract that the start time is 9.15 and that an hour must be taken at lunch time (not that there is an hour for lunch, but that it must be taken).  Great perspective on work life balance (and I'll be working from home three days a week).  

Today I'm grateful for: 
A new job 
The boys enjoying Beavers 
The eldest asking to practise spellings - and getting them all right. 

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