Travels With 4 Wheel Fred

By HRGibbon

Staring At The Sun

I know I'm overtired and over thinking stuff when the OH walks through the door and finds a crying, red eyed, snotty mess.

He knows that a nice cup of tea will sort all problems out. Maybe a Tunnocks teacake just to make sure there are no relapses.

I've was out most of the day, but managed to get home while the sun was still shining, and my next door neighbours daffodils were looking brilliant on the roadside.

Living on a quiet country road means that I can lie down half on the verge, half in the road and not get run over... or get sectioned!

SMC club night tonight was the Pathfinders. We were going well on time and route, it's just the answers to the clues that we I messed up meant we came 2nd last! I'm just so glad we didn't come last- as they have to organise next years!

Better Large

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