
By Grimsayer

A good day

One of those days when I could have used many images.
We started with a coffee in the centre of Castello d'Empurias - a really impressive square - beofre hading on to the nature reserve at Aigumolls. 
Hardly a bird in site - the highlight being a Plain Tiger butterfly - until we reached the end where all the birds seemed to have congregated on a small area of a flooded field. Littel Ringed Plover, Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbill, Flamingo, Glossy Ibis, Slender-billed Gull and Black-winged Stilt were some of those on offer. A chat in a variety of languages with some birders there led us to a site for Rollers which we duly found - along with a Hoopoe.
We then move on to Ullastret, a hugely impressive Iron Age Iberian settltemet and with a useflu audio guide managed to undertand its complexity.
Whilst the walls and buildings were massive, for me the most impressive thing was this scrap iof lead in the museum with writing on it in a language yet to be deciphered.. 
The hunt for dinner took in the old haunt of Paratillada before we ended up in St Feliu in the shadow of the church there.

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