By lizzie_birkett

The Menagerie…

…without the Guinea Piggies!
Sabrina is animal mad like all our family. I couldn’t get a photo of the Guinea Pigs because they hide in their den every time they see me.
Millie the Cairn watched me eat three pieces of toast - she’s a wee gannet though she gets nothing apart from her dog food but she always tries!

Today was goodbye day :-( 
I didn’t realise till Sabrina dropped me off at the station that I’d left my phone at her house charging! My train ticket collection number was on it but luckily Sabrina had told me to take a screenshot of it just in case. It had transferred to my iPad so I was able to get the tickets from the machine - Phew!
She’s already put it in the post for me.
The journey home got better the nearer to Yorkshire I got.
Before that the Airdrie train was full of footie fans, the Carlisle train was noisy with electronic gadgets, then the Leeds one was nice and quiet.
It’s good to be home though I feel drained.

Noisy Trains

I was lucky to find a seat on the first train.
Rangers fans were heading into Glasgow
Kilts swinging, cans of lager clinking and
before boarding fags and vapes billowed.

I had asked for a seat in the quiet carriage
on the train from Glasgow to Carlisle
But that was sadly not to be for electronics
and loud voices- mile upon noisy mile.

The Leeds train was thankfully less busy,
with passengers enjoying the views
whilst I took out my newspaper
and read the day’s (depressing news)

By the way, when Lucy was asked what she would like for her 7th Birthday in November she said she wants a statue of Jesus on the cross!
The girls go to a catholic school but Sabrina and John are non believers.
They love their school and it’s a good one. 
When I was her age I used to spend my pennies on holy cards of saints!

Goodnight everyone.

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