
By Murmuration

And it's Goodbye From Me

My last day at work today as I have taken early retirement. Been at the day centre for nearly 9 years - hard to believe really. Everyone was so nice to me on my last day that I kind of wished I was staying! Chandra made one of her special chocolate cakes in the shape of a book and Laura came up with the title 'A Good Reid' :))
Lots of lovely presents including a felt mouse reading a poetry book which my colleague Alison made (amongst friends in extras). They had also created a table display of things that reminded them of me (nothing horrible, thankfully). It was sad to say goodbye to colleagues and clients, some of whom have been there from my first day. I managed not to blub until I got home where I found a big bouquet of flowers waiting for me from my son in Canada.
New adventures ahead....

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