
By Fido

Ode to Iain

Remember my blip from last year about my lovely husband?

Well here he is, still lovely, still looking after us all and now running his engineering solutions buisness from the kitchen table (to be fair, he normally works in the dining room / his office, but it is a bit dark, cold and gloomy in there today and the kitchen was brighter).

He was too busy interpreting those drawings to look up which is why I snapped him from this angle. He does have a lovely face really.

In the normal run of things at the moment he;
* gets up through the night to console me when I am losing it over the little-ests lack of sleep.
* makes the packed lunches
* sorts out the breakfasts
* cajoles the older two into a) eating their breakfast and b) getting dressed
* takes the boys to school
* makes marvellous lunches for me
* collects the boys from school
* keeps the cupboards and fridge stocked up, particularly the never ending quest for milk
* cooks wonderful meals for dinner
* keeps the laundry from ticking over

as well as a hundred and one other things....

AND still finds time to fit in at least 6 hours or work each day.

Thanks Iain. I couldn't do this without you.

(I do slightly panic that very soon I will have to get off the sofa, stop eating the biscuits, and start helping out..)

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