Banff Mountain Film Festival

Jam packed day and boy did we pay for it!

Up early to take L and 2 fellow gymnasts through to Bellahouston Sports Centre for a special coaching session hosted by the Scottish Gymnastics Association. After dropping them off I went for a 5km run down by Graceland (Ibrox Park see extra) before a gym session before they finished.

We then had to hotfoot it back to Livingston to drop off others and pick up MrsT and head into Edinburgh to the Festival Theatre as MrsT had booked tickets for the Banff Mountain Film Festival which consisted of an afternoon session and evening session of short inspirational movies made by people passionate and with strong motivation for outdoor pursuits.

The afternoon session was fantastic but things caught up with L and she had a bit of a meltdown over dinner at a nearby pizza place and we ended up missing the evening session which was a real shame.

We can catch it online but not the same. Lessons learned for the future….

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