PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bad News

Wonderful day out scuba diving off the north of Phu Quoc Island today. We could actually see the Cambodian coastline from our first dive site. I captured this shot on our way back to the harbour thid afternoon. I almost missed it because I was too caught up in my post dive beer and relaxing on the top deck.

Arrived back to shore and internet reception only to discover my brother Allan was found unconscious today by mum. He was rushed to hospital and flown out to Mackay where he's in a stable but serious condition in the ICU on a ventilator. He has a heart condition but apparently his heart is ok. I have no more news than that currently. I feel so utterly and completey helpless. I should be there! I should be at home with my family, but instead I'm on a tropical island on holiday.... Never have I felt so far away before. I'm stuck here competely alone with too many thoughts, so am using blip as a distraction - I don't know what else I can do :(

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